Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)

Order number: 16602


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IPTG is a modified sugar that can be used to induce protein expression under the control of the lacUV promotor. Our IPTG is of highest quality and purity. Like allolactose, IPTG binds to the lac repressor and releases the tetrameric repressor from the lac operator in an allosteric manner, thereby allowing the transcription of genes in the lac operon. But unlike allolactose, the sulfur (S) atom creates a chemical bond which is non-hydrolyzable by the cell, preventing the cell from metabolizing or degrading the inducer. The concentration of IPTG therefore remains constant and the expression of lac p/o-controlled genes would not be inhibited during the experiment.

We offer dioxan-free IPTG for your research. Ultrapure in 1g or 5g amounts. Please contact us if you are interested in bulk amounts or alternative compounds and reagents.
Synonyms IPTG, Isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside
Molecular weight 238.30 g/mol
CAS-No. 367-93-1