Terms & Conditions:


Terms & Conditions Cube Biotech Inc.
Verkaufs-und Lieferbedingungen der Cube Biotech GmbH (German)
Terms & Conditions Cube Biotech GmbH. (English)


 Terms & Conditions Cube Biotech INC.

  1. General. These Terms and Conditions of Sale (“Terms and Conditions”) shall govern the sale and license to the purchaser (“Buyer”) of services, consumables, reagents, software, and other products (“Products”) by Cube Biotech, Inc. (“Cube Biotech”) provided to Buyer in connection therewith. These Terms and Conditions shall replace and supersede any current or future purchase orders or similar forms that are not mutually signed by Cube Biotech and Buyer.
  2. Price. Excludes all insurance, freight, taxes, fees, duties and levies, which shall be payable by Buyer
  3. Delivery. Products will be packed in Cube Biotech’s standard shipping packages. Cube Biotech may make partial deliveries. Cube Biotech will ship via carrier selected by Cube Biotech. (a) For Deliveries Outside United States: Tender will be F.O.B./FCA shipping point. Title and risk of loss or damage will pass to Buyer upon delivery of the Products to the carrier. (b) For Deliveries Within South America: Products shall be Delivered Duty Paid to the Buyer’s site and the Buyer will be the importer for the Products and be responsible for paying the import VAT or similar tax(es) within the Buyer’s country. Title and risk of loss will pass to Buyer upon delivery of the Products to the carrier. Insurance costs will be borne by the Buyer’s site.
  4. Cancellation and Rejection. BUYER MAY NOT CANCEL ANY ORDER ONCE CUBE BIOTECH HAS ACCEPTED BUYER’S Purchase Order. BUYER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, AND IMMEDIATELY PAY, ANY FEES INCURRED BY CUBE BIOTECH OR PAYMENTS OWED BY BUYER WITH RESPECT TO BUYER’S ORDER IN THE CASE OF A CANCELLATION AFTER THE ACCEPTANCE DATE. Any claims for damaged, missing or defective Product must be reported in writing to Cube Biotech by Buyer within five (5) days from the date of receipt of Product. For any valid claim made, Cube Biotech shall repair, replace, or provide a credit for the Product against future purchases. The foregoing shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for damaged or missing Products, and, except for express warranty rights, for defective Products or deficient Services.
  5. Payment. Buyer will be invoiced at the time of shipment of each Product or upon completion of Service. Buyer shall make payment in full within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. Late payments may incur a charge at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) percent per month, or the maximum allowed by law, whichever is less. Further shipment of Products may be declined without advance notice if Buyer fails to make any payment when due, or if the financial condition of Buyer becomes unsatisfactory to Cube Biotech. Cube Biotech may elect to retain a security interest in all Products sold to Buyer to secure all of Buyer’s obligations to Cube Biotech under these Terms and Conditions, and Buyer will execute any documents necessary to create and perfect this interest. Sales by Cube Biotech shipped outside the U.S. may require payment on an irrevocable letter of credit reasonably acceptable to Cube Biotech.
  6. Limited Warranty. Cube Biotech warrants to and only to Buyer for thirteen (13) months from the date of shipping or one (1) year from the date of receipt (or for the period specified in the Cube Biotech’s product insert), whichever occurs first, that the reagents, consumables, and software are free from defects in material and workmanship and conform to Cube Biotech’s published specifications in all material respects. Cube Biotech’s sole and exclusive liability (and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy) under the foregoing warranty shall be to repair or replace software and consumables or provide Buyer a refund, as solely determined by Cube Biotech. Nonconforming products will be serviced at Buyer’s facility or, at Cube Biotech’s option, Cube Biotech’s facility. If service is performed at Cube Biotech’s facility, Cube Biotech will bear shipping costs. Reagents or consumables reasonably determined by Cube Biotech to be defective, independent of user error, shall be replaced by Cube Biotech on a 1:1, like-kind basis at no cost to Buyer provided that such defective reagents or consumables were used by Buyer prior to their expiration date, and the defect was promptly reported with appropriate detail to Cube Biotech's technical support. Except as provided above, this warranty does not apply to any defect caused by failure to provide a suitable storage, use, or operating environment, use of non-recommended reagents, spills, or the use of the Products for a purpose or in a manner other than that for which they were designed, modifications or repairs done by Buyer, or any other abuse, misuse, or neglect of the Products. This warranty applies only to Buyer, and not third parties. The foregoing is not intended to limit any warranty extended to Buyer by a third party original equipment manufacturer of a Product or component thereof, provided that any remedy received by Buyer under any such warranty shall relieve Cube Biotech of its obligations with respect to the subject of such remedy. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CUBE BIOTECH AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
  7. Pre-release Products. If any Product or Service is a beta, technology access, early access, or other pre-commercial release version ("Pre- release Product"), then this Section applies. To the extent that any provision in this Section is in conflict with any other term or condition in these Terms and Conditions, this Section shall supersede such other term(s) and condition(s) with respect to the Pre-release Product, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. Buyer acknowledges that the Pre-release Product is a pre-release version, does not represent final product from Cube Biotech, and may contain defects, bugs, errors and other problems that could cause system or other failures, sample loss and data loss. CONSEQUENTLY, THE PRE-RELEASE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS", AND CUBE BIOTECH DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES (INCLUDING THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE) AND ALL LIABILITY OBLIGATIONS TO BUYER OF ANY KIND. Buyer acknowledges that Cube Biotech has not promised or guaranteed to Buyer that Pre-release Product will be announced or made available to anyone in the future, that Cube Biotech has no express or implied obligation to Buyer to announce or introduce the Pre-release Product and that Cube Biotech may elect not to introduce a product or service similar to or compatible with the Pre-release Product. Accordingly, Buyer acknowledges that any research or development that Buyer performs using the Pre-release Product or any product associated with the Pre-release Product is done entirely at Buyer’s own risk.
  8. Limited License. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, and to the terms and conditions of any license provided by Cube Biotech that is specific to a particular Product (which shall govern with respect to such Product in the event of conflict with these Terms and Conditions), Cube Biotech hereby grants to Buyer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Product(s) provided to Buyer by Cube Biotech only in accordance with the manuals and written instructions provided by Cube Biotech. Buyer understands and agrees that except as expressly set forth in these Terms and Conditions (or in the Cube Biotech-provided license specific to a particular Product), no right or license to any patent or other intellectual property owned or licensable by Cube Biotech is conveyed or implied by these Terms and Conditions for any Product or Service. In particular, no right or license is conveyed or implied to use any Product provided hereunder in combination with a product not provided, licensed or specifically recommended by Cube Biotech for such use.
  9. Products Marketed for Research Use Only. Products marketed by Cube Biotech For Research Use Only do not have the approval or clearance of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) or other regulatory approval, clearance or registration for in vitro diagnostic (“IVD”) use. No license is conveyed or implied for Buyer to use, and Buyer agrees not to use, such Products in any manner requiring FDA or other regulatory approval, clearance or registration relating to IVD use. 10. Use Restrictions. Except as otherwise approved by Cube Biotech in writing, Buyer is not licensed to, and agrees not to: (a) resell any Cube Biotech- supplied consumable, reagent or service, (b) transfer, or distribute any Cube Biotech-supplied consumable, reagent or service, directly or indirectly, to any third party for any purpose or use, (c) use or allow anyone to use any Cube Biotech-supplied consumable more than once, or (d) dilute or reverse engineer any Cube Biotech-supplied reagent.
  10. Indemnification. Buyer agrees to indemnify Cube Biotech and its employees, officers, directors, representatives, contractors and suppliers and hold each of them harmless from and against any losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising from or relating to the “products” or their use. Buyer agrees to fully cooperate with Cube Biotech and its counsel in its defense and preparation for any such action or proceeding.
  12. Export Controls. Buyer acknowledges that the Products and related materials may be subject to export controls under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and related U.S. laws. Buyer will (a) comply strictly with all legal requirements established under these controls, (b) cooperate fully with Cube Biotech in any official or unofficial audit or inspection that relates to these controls and (c) not export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose, directly or indirectly, any Product or related technical documents or materials or any direct product thereof to any country (or to any national or resident thereof) which the U.S. Government determines from time to time is a country (or end-user) to which such export, re-export, diversion, transfer or disclosure is restricted, without obtaining the prior written authorization of Cube Biotech and the applicable U.S. Government agency.
  13. Unforeseen Events / Force Majeure. Cube Biotech shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance of any obligations hereunder if performance is rendered impracticable by the occurrence of any condition beyond the reasonable control of Cube Biotech. In the event of any such delay or failure in performance, Cube Biotech shall have such additional time within which to perform its obligations hereunder as may reasonably be necessary under the circumstances.
  14. Miscellaneous. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Cube Biotech with respect to the subject matter hereof and is the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement, superseding all prior written and oral agreements, understandings and undertakings with respect to the subject matter hereof. The waiver of any provision or any breach thereof shall not affect any other provision of these Terms and Conditions. To the extent permitted by applicable law, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without regard to conflict of law provisions. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to these Terms and Conditions. In the event that any provision of this Agreement or portion thereof is found to be illegal or unenforceable, the Agreement shall be construed without the unenforceable provision or portion thereof.


 Verkaufs-und Lieferbedingungen der Cube Biotech GmbH


Die nachstehenden Verkaufs-und Lieferbedingungen gelten für alle Verkäufe und Lieferungen an Unternehmer im Sinne des § 14 BGB, soweit nicht etwas anderes vereinbart wird. Geschäftsbedingungen des Kunden gelten nur, wenn wir ihnen schriftlich zugestimmt haben.


1.      Unsere Angebote sind freibleibend. Verträge kommen erst durch unsere Auftragsbestätigung oder Lieferung zustande. Geringfügige Abweichungen von unseren Angaben über Maße, Gewichte, Beschaffenheit und Qualität bleiben vorbehalten.


2.      Von uns angegebene Lieferzeiten sind unverbindlich, sofern sie nicht mit dem Kunden vereinbart wurden.


3.      Lieferbar sind nur die in unserer jeweils bei Vertragsschluss gültigen Preisliste, die als Anlage beiliegt, aufgeführten Einheiten. Wir sind zu Teillieferungen berechtigt. Jede Teillieferung kann gesondert berechnet werden. Bei Bestellungen auf Abruf  behalten wir uns eine Lieferzeit von mindestens 2 Wochen vor, sofern nichts Abweichendes mit dem Kunden vereinbart ist. Höhere Gewalt, Betriebsstörungen, Arbeitskämpfe oder andere Hindernisse bei uns oder unseren Lieferanten, sofern diese von uns nicht zu vertreten sind, befreien uns für die Dauer der Störung und deren Auswirkungen von der Verpflichtung zur Lieferung.


4.      a) Die Art und Weise des Versands bestimmen wir, sofern uns nicht der Kunde schriftliche Weisungen erteilt.

b) Der Versand erfolgt ab Werk Monheim, Deutschland, sofern nicht Abweichendes vereinbart wird.

c) Die Gefahr eines zufälligen Untergangs oder einer zufälligen Verschlechterung der Ware geht auf den Kunden über, sobald wir die Ware dem Transportunternehmen übergeben haben.


5.      Die Preise verstehen sich einschließlich der Verpackungskosten, zuzüglich der jeweils gültigen Umsatzsteuer, soweit diese anfällt. Die Versandkosten bezahlt der Kunde, sofern nichts Abweichendes vereinbart wird. Die in einer Preisliste bei Vertragsschluss angegebenen Preise sind Tagespreise. Als vereinbart gilt der Tagespreis im Zeitpunkt der Lieferung. Sofern dieser gegenüber dem Tagespreis im Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses wesentlich erhöht haben sollte, hat der Kunde das Recht, binnen zwei Wochen vom Vertrag zurück zu treten. Wir werden einen Rücktritt akzeptieren, wenn die Preiserhöhung über dem Anstieg des Preisindex für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise), Chemische Erzeugnisse des Statistischen Bundesamtes liegt. 


6.      a) Unsere Rechnungen sind innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Rechnungsdatum ohne Abzug zahlbar.

b) Schecks und Wechsel nehmen wir nur erfüllungshalber an. Diskont und Spesen gehen zu Lasten des Kunden.

c) Stellt der Kunde seine Zahlungen ein, oder wird die Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens oder Vergleichsverfahrens über sein Vermögen beantragt, so sind wir berechtigt, Vorauszahlung oder Sicherheitsleistung zu verlangen.

d) Gegen unsere Forderungen darf der Kunde nur mit unbestrittenen oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Gegenforderungen aufrechnen. Er ist insbesondere nicht befugt, bei Beanstandungen der Ware die Zahlung fälliger Rechnungsbeträge aus früheren Lieferungen zurückzuhalten oder zu kürzen.


7.      a)Wir behalten uns das Eigentum an der von uns gelieferten Ware vor, bis der Kunde sämtliche Forderungen aus seiner Geschäftsverbindung mit uns beglichen hat. Die Vorbehaltsware darf weder verpfändet noch sicherungshalber übereignet werden. Zur Veräußerung der Vorbehaltsware ist der Kunde nur im Rahmen seines ordnungsgemäßen Geschäftsganges befugt.

b) Der Kunde tritt schon jetzt seine Forderungen aus dem Weiterverkauf der Vorbehaltsware in Höhe des Betrages unserer Rechnung zur Sicherung unserer Forderungen aus unserer Geschäftsverbindung mit ihm vorrangig an uns ab. Der Kunde wird Zahlungen, die er aus dem Verkauf unserer Vorbehaltsware erhält, in erster Linie auf den nicht an uns abgetretenen Teil der Gesamtforderung anrechnen, sofern der Zahlende nicht ausdrücklich etwas anderes bestimmt.

c) Soweit Eigentumsvorbehalte zu unseren Gunsten bestehen oder Forderungen des Kunden an uns abgetreten sind, ist der Kunde zur Erteilung der für die Wahrung unserer Rechte notwendigen Auskünfte verpflichtet. Das gilt insbesondere für Pfändungen oder sonstige Zugriffe Dritter auf unsere Ware oder uns abgetretene Forderungen. Kosten einer Intervention gehen zu Lasten des Kunden.

d) Der Kunde ist auf Widerruf zur Einziehung der uns abgetretenen Forderungen ermächtigt. Unser Recht, abgetretene Forderungen selbst einzuziehen, bleibt hiervon unberührt.

e) Sofern der Wert der uns gegebenen Sicherheiten den Betrag unserer Forderungen um mehr als 20 % übersteigt, sind wir zur Rückabtretung in entsprechendem Umfang verpflichtet.

f) Gerät der Kunde in Verzug, so sind wir berechtigt, die gelieferte Ware aufgrund unseres Eigentumsvorbehalts in unsere Verwahrung zu nehmen, bis der Kunde gezahlt hat. Ein Rücktritt vom Vertrag liegt in einem solchen Fall nur vor, wenn wir dies ausdrücklich erklären.

g) Mit der Erfüllung unserer Forderungen, einschließlich aller Nebenforderungen, gehen die Sicherheiten ohne besondere Rückübertragung auf den Kunden über.


8.      a) Unsere Produkte sind für den Einsatz in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung entwickelt worden. Eine Verwendung unserer Produkte für humanmedizinische oder diagnostische Zwecke, oder als Arzneimittel, ist nur zulässig, wenn solch eine Verwendung nach den für den Kunden und den Verwender maßgeblichen gesetzlichen Regelungen erlaubt ist, und, soweit erforderlich, auch eine Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörden vorliegt. Darüber hinaus bedarf eine derartige Verwendung unserer Produkte unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung. Ausdrückliche Verwendungshinweise auf der Verpackung stehen einer schriftlichen Zustimmung gleich; sie ersetzen aber nicht behördliche Genehmigungen, die im Land des Anwenders erforderlich sind.

b) Kunden, die unsere Produkte in der industriellen Produktion verwenden, tun dies auf eigenes Risiko. Da wir die möglichen Verfahren und Prozesse für solch eine industrielle Verwendung unserer Produkte nicht voraussehen oder kontrollieren können, müssen wir hier jede Gewährleistung oder Haftung ablehnen. Unsere Anwendungshinweise sind in solchen Fällen nur als unverbindliche Empfehlung zu betrachten.


9.      a) Im Übrigen gelten die gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsrechte mit der Maßgabe, dass Mängel gelieferter Ware oder Mengenabweichungen oder Fehllieferungen uns spätestens 2 Wochen nach Erhalt der Ware schriftlich anzuzeigen sind. Verborgene Mängel sind uns unverzüglich nach der Entdeckung zu melden. Werden diese Rügefristen nicht eingehalten, gilt die Lieferung als genehmigt.

b) Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden bestehen uns gegenüber nur bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit, es sei denn, dass sie auf der Verletzung von wesentlichen, für die Erreichung des Vertragszwecks unabdingbaren Verpflichtungen beruhen oder ihren Grund in der Verletzung von Leben, Körper oder Gesundheit haben oder bei Schäden nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz. Soweit wir für Schäden auf Vorsatz und grobe Fahrlässigkeit beschränkt haften, sind Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden ihrer Höhe nach auf Schäden begrenzt, die als Folge des betreffenden Fehlers oder Fehlverhaltens vorhersehbar waren.

c) Gewährleistung-und Schadensersatzansprüche entfallen bei unsachgemäßer Behandlung und Verarbeitung unserer Produkte.

10.a) Erfüllungsort für Lieferung und Zahlung ist Monheim. Für Kunden, die Kaufleute sind oder ihren Wohnsitz nicht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland haben, wird der Gerichtsstand beim Amtsgericht Monheim begründet. Wir sind jedoch wahlweise berechtigt, auch die Gerichte am Wohnsitz des Kunden anzurufen.

b) Es gilt das Recht der Bunderepublik Deutschland unter Ausschluss der Vorschriften des Kollisionsrechts. Die Bestimmungen des UN-Abkommens zum internationalen Warenkauf finden keine Anwendung. Diese Allgemeinen Verkaufs-und Lieferbedingungen liegen in einer Übersetzung in die englische Sprache vor, die ausschließlich der Einfachheit dient. Verbindlich ist allein die deutsche Fassung.

Stand: April 2013


 Terms & Conditions Cube Biotech GmbH


The following general terms and conditions shall apply to all sales and deliveries to business customers in accordance to Paragraph 14 of the German Civil Code, unless otherwise agreed upon. General terms and conditions of the customer shall only be binding for us if we have agreed upon in writing.


1.      Our offers are nonbinding. Binding contracts are concluded only by our written order confirmation or by delivery. Our specifications regarding volume, weight, composition, and quality shall be subject to minor deviations at our discretion.


2.      Unless otherwise agreed, any specified time of delivery shall be non-binding.


3.      Only the products listed in our price list at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall be deemed to be deliverable. We shall be entitled to fulfil an order by deliveries in several instalments. Each instalment can be invoiced separately. Unless otherwise agreed, we reserve a delivery period of 14 days in any case of orders at call, as of the receipt of the customer’s order. Any inability to supply resulting of force majeure, work stoppages, labor conflicts, or other unforeseen incidents beyond our control affecting us or our suppliers shall, for their duration and in accordance with their impact, shall relieve us from the obligation to comply with any agreed time of delivery, unless such incident is caused by us with intention or through negligence.


4.      a) Unless we have received express shipping instructions, in writing, from our customer, the method of shipment shall be subject to our discretion.

b) Unless otherwise agreed, shipments are effected from either our plant in Monheim, Germany.

c) The risks of loss or damage to goods shipped passes to the customer upon our delivery of said goods to the freight forwarding agent.


5.      Our prices include the costs of packaging, but exclude any applicable statutory Value Added Tax. Unless otherwise agreed the costs of shipment shall be at the expense of the customer. The daily price at the date of delivery shall be deemed agreed upon. In the event of a significant increase in price, based on the daily price at the time of the execution of the respective contract, the customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract within two weeks. We will accept such withdrawal from contract if the price increase exceeds the increase in price index for commercial goods (Manufacturer prices), Chemical Goods, from the German Federal Statistics Bureau. 


6.      a) Our invoices are due in full within a period of 30 days after the date of the respective invoice.

b) We shall accept payment by check or bill of exchange only on account of performance. Any discount or bank charges shall be at the expense of the customer.

c) Should the customer become insolvent, or should bankruptcy or reorganisation proceedings be instituted on his behalf, we shall be entitled to claim either payment in advance or an adequate security

d) The customer shall have no right to set off unless the underlying counterclaims have been conclusively determined by a court or expressly acknowledged by us. In particular the customer shall not be entitled to withhold or to reduce the payment of due bills on the grounds of objections with regard to prior deliveries.


7.      a) We shall be entitled to secret lien/retention of title if, at the date of delivery, the customer has not fully discharged all his obligations arising out of his business relationship with us. As long as our retention of title is effective the respective goods shall not be subject to pledges or assignments under a security agreement. This restriction shall not affect the right of customer to sell the goods in the ordinary course of his business.

b) The customer assigns to us, as a security, all claims arising from the resale of our goods delivered under retention of title, up to the amount of our unpaid invoices. We hereby accept such assignment. Unless otherwise provided by the payer, all payments arising from the resale of our goods delivered under retention of title, shall primarily be credited to that part of the accounts receivable not covered by our security interest.

c) The customer is obliged to provide any information with regard to the retention of title in the goods delivered or to the accounts receivable arising from the resale thereof, if and to the extent to which necessary to perform our rights. This applies to, but is not limited to, any levy of execution and other forms of seizure or redemption with regard to our goods or any account receivable assigned to us. Any measure which we must adapt in order to protect our said rights shall be at the expense of the customer.

d) Notwithstanding our right to collect accounts receivable assigned to us and subject to revocation at any time, the customer shall be entitled to collect such accounts receivable.

e) Should our claims shall be secured through the retention of title and the assignment by more than 120%, any surplus of good delivered under retention of title or accounts receivable shall be released accordingly

f) In any case of customer’s default on the due performance of any of his obligation to pay, we shall be entitled to take into custody the goods delivered under retention of title until the customer has discharged due payments. Such custody shall not be interpreted as a withdrawal of any sales contract, unless expressly declared by us.

g) Upon full payment of our claims against the customer, our rights in the goods delivered under retention of title and in the accounts receivable, shall cease to exist.


8.      a) Our products are have been developed for use in scientific research only. Any application of our products for human medical treatment, for diagnostic purposes, or as pharmaceuticals is permitted only if and when such application is authorized both as to the customer and the user under the applicable laws and regulations and, as far as necessary, also approved by the competent government agencies. In addition, such application always requires our prior written consent. Express instructions on the package are the equivalent of such a consent by us; they do not, however, eliminate the requirement of any governmental approval, which might be necessary under the legislation applicable in the user's territory.

b) Customers who utilize our products for industrial production, do that at their own peril. Since we cannot anticipate or control the possible procedures and processes for such an industrial application of our products, we must reject here any and every form of warranty or liability. Our application instructions in such cases are only to be considered as non-binding recommendations.


9.      a) Unless otherwise stipulated in these general terms and conditions, all legal liabilities shall apply with the requirement that in any case of objections on the ground of a defect of goods delivered by us, deficiencies in quantity or deviations in kind, the customer shall notify us in writing within two weeks after delivery to the customer. Objections regarding hidden defects shall be notified to us without delay after their discovery. Any good for which objection shall not have been raised in accordance with the deadlines set above shall be regarded as approved and accepted.

b) We shall be liable for damages only in a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, or where such damages result from a violation of an obligation which is essential to perform the purpose of the contract, furthermore in case of injury to life, body or health, in violation of the product liability law. Inasmuch as our liability for damages is limited a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, all claims for damages shall be limited to foreseeable damages.

c) Any claim under any warranty and any claim for damages whatsoever, shall cease to exist in case of inappropriate handling, use, or processing of our products.

10      a) The place of delivery and payment is Monheim. With regard to business customers, or to customers who have their residence outside of the Federal Republic of Germany, the venue for all claims arising from any sale or delivery under these general terms and conditions shall be Monheim. However, we shall be entitled to take legal action in the venue at the residence of the customer.

10      b) The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be exclusively applicable. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. These Terms and Conditions have been translated to English only for convenience. Only the German version shall be legally binding.