Affinity Chromatography Poster

Order number: Affinity-Poster


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This poster was designed for the purpose of giving interested scienctists and students a comprehensive overview of the affinity chromatography method. The poster covers many relevant subjects and themes surrounding affinity chromatography, including:

  • Different chromatography methods in comparison
  • The design of an affinity bead and the chemistry behind it
  • How to properly design a recombinant protein construct that can be used for affinity chromatography, including vector construction
  • A detailed comparison between different commonly used affinity tags. (His-, GST-, MBP-, Strep-, Rho1D4-, FLAG-tag)
  • The typical workflow of an affinity chromatography
  • A list of the limitations of Affinity chromatography
  • Sub-types of Affinity chromatography (Gravity flow, Batch spin, FPLC, MagBeads)
  • A list of potential subesquent studies