Protein Services

As a CRO team of passionate (membrane) protein scientists, we offer small to mid-scale, protein services for a broad range of applications.
From custom protein expression services to characterization and cryo-EM protein structure determination, everything is possible.
Individual work packages made up of our modular structure can be tailored to your specific needs.

Custom Functionalized Particles Solutions

We deliver custom particle functionalization solutions that precisely match your specifications, addressing unique functionality requirements for targeted applications.
Our service encompasses the whole process from material selection to functionalization and from proof-of-concept to industrial-scale production of bespoke (nano)particle constructs.
Overview Custom Particle Services
We can guarantee the functionalization of your choice with a defined number of biomolecules and in the case of nanoparticles, we can even offer single-molecule functionalization.
Our service spectrum encompasses particle functionalization with:
  • Small molecules
  • Proteins
  • Protein-specific antibodies
  • Nucleic acids
In addition to the established classics like PureCube Agarose Beads and PureCube MagBeads, we boast an array of other base materials that meet your scientific needs. Nanoparticles made of different noble metals (e.g., gold, silver, platinum), characterized by their unique optical and physical characteristics, offer immense potential for innovation in research and development, including (bio)imaging, protein labeling in TEM, lateral flow assays, etc.

Protein Services

Our service introduction video - learn why we
are your best option for membrane protein-
related projects.
Venn diagramm - Why choose Cube Biotech?

Modules of our Protein Service

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Module 1

Protein Expression

Advantages: Direct stabilization and co-translational integration of membrane proteins into nanodiscs; useful for toxic proteins

Amount of purified protein: Highest among our expression systems
Advantages: Near mammalian-like post-translational modifications; Easy to handle eucaryotic expression system

Amount of purified protein: Higher than mammalian cell lines
Advantages: Homolog mammalian protein expression

Amount of purified protein: Lowest of the three, but with the highest authenticity among our systems

We typically start with sequence-optimized, full-length genes expressing the wild type protein. In accordance with the project's requirements, different constructs with different affinity tags and positions can be included.

We are optimizing the protein expression to the fullest. Next to the expression systems, features that we optimize for maximum protein yield are:
  • Expression conditions (media, temperature, induction conditions)
  • Promoter regions (strong/weak expression, tightness of control)
  • Type and position of the affinity purification tag
  • Optional: best-expressing domains, including a boundary screen of domain borders
After discovering the ideal expression conditions for your protein of interest, we can scale up the expression. This way we can produce larger amounts of your protein in a shorter time period.

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Module 2

Protein Solubilization

This step is essential to obtain structural intact and functional membrane proteins. Our membrane protein service contains two different methods for this step that you can choose from:

Ultrapure Detergents: Detergents are the classic approach to solubilize membrane proteins. Using them requires a screening process to identify the detergents that fit your membrane protein best. Of course, Cube Biotech will perform this screening process. Detergent screening parameters are:
  • Detergent Concentration
  • Solubilization time
  • Buffer composition
Synthetic Polymers: Polymers like AASTY, DIBMA, SMA and UltrasoluteTM Amphipol can form complexes that are called synthetic nanodiscs. During the last decades, they have increasingly started to replace detergents as the most popular tool for membrane protein solubilization. Their key advantage: They combine the essential steps of membrane protein solubilization and subsequent stabilization. This basically fuses our modules 2 and 3.

Module 3

Protein Stabilization

This module is the next step after protein solubilization. Its goal is to stabilize membrane proteins and keep them functional after their native cell membrane has been removed. The main idea is to mimic the original cell membrane of the membrane protein of interest to ensure maximal authenticity with its functions. Cube Biotech offers three options to achieve membrane protein stabilization.
icon detergent
Detergents: The traditional way to stabilize membrane proteins. We offer a great choice of different detergents. Of course, we will help you screen for the detergent that best suits your downstream application.
icon msp nanodisc around a protein
MSP Nanodiscs: This method has several advantages over traditional detergent-based approaches for membrane protein stabilization. With their controlled phospholipid composition, a near-perfect replication of the native membrane environment of the membrane protein can be created. The handling of nanodiscs, in general, is one of Cube Biotech's strongest assets. Years of unmatched experience make Cube Biotech the best option for MSP nanodisc-related projects.
icon synthetic nanodisc around a protein
Synthetic Nanodiscs: As an innovative way, synthetic polymers have to capacity to solubilize and stabilize a membrane protein. The protein remains surrounded by its natural lipid composition in a nanodisc. These complexes have never seen detergents at all. Utilizing synthetic polymers will leave the original membrane environment of the membrane protein of interest intact! You can find more information about these synthetic copolmer nanodiscs on THIS PAGE.
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Module 4

Protein Purification

After the membrane protein has been stabilized in module 3 or a soluble protein has been expressed in module 1 it is time to purify the said protein of interest. To extract the desired protein from the rest of the cell's components after cell lysis Cube Biotech offers numerous options that can be applied here.
icon tagged protein
Surface affinities/affinity tags: Our favorite affinity tag for membrane protein purification is the Rho1D4 tag. Since it is an antibody-based affinity tag it provides incredible specificity and high yields. We are, however, open to discussing and using other affinity tags in your project if you like. Since we are also manufacturers of matching purification products, we can ensure that we only work with the best-suited products for your protein purification assays. See this page for more information about the affinity tags that we usually work with and produce matching purification products for.
icon protein plus tag
Customized agarose resins / magnetic beads: On request, we produce a specialized protein purification matrix just for you. It can include a protein-specific antibody, a natural ligand of the protein of interest, or other components specialized for your needs. Click here to discover more about the custom resin that we have already created on request.

Module 5

Protein Characterization

All previous modules aim to gain a protein sample for this step, to verify its quality and activity. Now it is time to identify the characteristics of your protein of interest. For this purpose we offer:

icon elisa
icon dynamic light scattering
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
icon protein stability assays
Protein Stability Assays
icon surface plasmon resonance
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)

Module 6

Protein Structure Determination

One of the key characteristics of a protein is its 3D structure. Unfortunately, it is also one of the hardest characteristics to identify. Cube Biotech offers two types of structure determination methods for your membrane protein. Cryo-EM sample preparation: At the moment Cryo-EM is the state-of-the-art method for protein structure determination. For membrane proteins, Cryo-EM is the most plausible option to identify their tertiary structure as other methods fall short here and may lead to unsatisfying results.

Cubic Phase Crystallization

The classical way to solve 3D structures of membrane proteins. Cubic Phase crystallization has already solved countless tertiary structures of membrane proteins. Our company is the patent owner of the CIMP (controlled in-meso phase crystallization) method which combines the lipid cubic phase and vapor diffusion. Therefore we have gathered lots of experience with this method.
Fun fact: Our Company was named after the Cubic Phase Crystallization method.
In case you want to crystallize your membrane protein in-house we offer our MO plates for Cubic phase crystallization.


Soluble Proteins

Although purification and stabilization of membrane proteins is Cube Biotech's specialty, you can also arrange protein services on soluble proteins through us. Projects involving DNA-binding proteins, such as transcription factors or the purification of lipid-associated proteins, can be requested through us at any time.

R&D Targets - Progress Pipeline

GLP1R is a hot target in the field of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus and a highly sought-after drug target. We invested heavily in the production of this G-protein-coupled receptor and accomplished the purification of the human full-length version of the protein in a copolymer/lipid nanodisc containing native lipids. This form of the protein represents the most native condition after purification that can be achieved - for the highest confidence in your drug discovery endeavors. We also validated the in vitro kinetics of a well-known GLP1R antagonist and cross-referenced them with in vivo literature values to ensure a high-quality product for our customers.

The Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor is just one example of our new R&D target pipeline. In the table below you can see which proteins are currently under close examination as well. Are you tempted to get your hands on these highly relevant drug targets? Then reach out to our Service Team for this unique opportunity to bring your research to the next level!
Table 1: Progress pipeline of our human full-length protein targets. Yellow stands for a completed step, while light yellow indicates a goal that is currently in progress.
1 GLPR1 GPCR GLP1 receptor agonists have been approved for clinical use to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, inluding exenatide, liraglutide, albiglutide and lixisenatide.              
2 P2X4 Ion Channel P2X4 is involved in pathologies including neuropathic pain and inflammation, involved in autoimmune models.              
3 hERG (ERG1, KCNH2) Ion Channel hERG1 mediates the repolarizing cardiac current. Blocking of hERG by drugs intended for other therapeutic targets can lead to arrhythmias and sudden death.              
4 TGR5 GPCR Historically identified as a metabolic regulator, more recently additional functions such as regulation of the inflammatory response, cancer and liver regeneration were discovered.              
5 ß1 Adrenergic Receptor GPCR b1AR influences blood pressure homeostasis and cardiac output, medications treat these conditions by either potentiating or inhibiting the functions of the ADRB-1.              
6 MC4R GPCR Receptor specific to the heptapeptide core common to adrenocorticotropic hormone and α-, β-, and γ-MSH. Central role in energy homeostasis and somatic growth. Mediated by G proteins that stimulate adenylate cyclase.              
7 NTSR1 GPCR Tridecapeptide neurotensin. Signaling effected via G proteins that activate a phosphatidylinositol-calcium 2nd messenger system. Activation of downstream MAP kinases & protection of cells against apoptosis.              
8 OPRM1, MOR-1 GPCR Receptor for natural and synthetic opioids including morphine, heroin, DAMGO, fentanyl, etorphine, buprenorphin and methadone.              
9 SLC17A6, VGluT2 SLC Transporter Multifunctional transporter that transports L-glutamate as well as multiple ions such as chloride, proton, potassium, sodium and phosphate.              
10 TYROBP/DAP12 Receptor Complex with TYROBP, Receptor for lipoprotein particles, microglia proliferation, Associated with Alzheimer disease              
11 TREM2 Receptor Receptor signaling complex with TYROBP, mediates microglial activation, proliferation, migration, apoptosis & expression of pro-inflammatory (IL6R/CCL3) & anti-inflammatory cytokines (ARG1)              
12 CLDN18.2 Claudins Antibody ligand, immunotherapy based drug development, cancer              
13 P2RY10 GPCR T-cell mediated diseases, orphan GPCR, natural ligand: sphigosine 1-phosphate              
14 FAS Receptor Receptor for TNFSF6/FASLG. Homotrimer, solvent-exposed domains, aggregation prone              
15 CCR8 GPCR Receptor for the chemokine CCL1/SCYA1/I-309, CCL1 activated with unclear mechanism, Cancer, Alternative coreceptor with CD4 for HIV-1 infection.              
16 GPR17 GPCR Dual specificity receptor uracil nucleotides and cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs), Signals through G(i) and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, stroke, brain, spinal cord trauma, MS              
17 P2RY11 GPCR Receptor ATP/ADP coupled to G-proteins, Development of anti-inflammator/immunosuppresive therapeutics, anti-inflammatory effect in human dendritic cells              
18 CCR7 GPCR Receptor for the MIP-3-beta chemokine, Probable mediator of EBV effects on B-lymphocytes or of normal lymphocyte functions, Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ligand non-protein              
19 ACKR2 GPCR Inflammatory diseases, large variety of ligands, chemokine sequestration              
20 DRD1 GPCR Dopamine receptor, activity is mediated by G proteins which activate adenylyl cyclase, Ligand is non-protein (dopamine)              
21 SLC52A3 SLC Transporter Potential homodimer or requires chaperone, Disease related (Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome and Fazio-Londe disease)              
22 KCNA3, Kv1.3 Ion Channel Mediates the voltage-dependent potassium ion permeability of excitable membranes, Margatoxin (short peptide toxin) as ligand, poor stability in detergent              
23 CD163 Receptor Acute phase-regulated receptor involved in clearance and endocytosis of hemoglobin/haptoglobin complexes by macrophages, Disease marker in inflammatory conditions              
24 SCN11A Ion Channel Na channel mediating voltage-dependent Na ion permeability of excitable membranes, electrical transmission of pain signals, ligand (tetrodotoxin), needs beta subunits, B1 and B2 from one vector              
25 TLR5 Receptor Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) located on the cell surface that participates in the activation of innate immunity and inflammatory response, Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoclastogenesis, and bone loss              
26 SV2A Receptor Role in the control of regulated secretion in neural/endocrine cells, enhancing selectively low-frequency neurotransmission, target for anti epilepsy drugs              
27 SLC2A1 SLC Facilitative glucose transporter, which is responsible for constitutive or basal glucose uptake. Very broad substrate specificity; can transport wide range of aldoses incl. pentoses and hexoses              
28 EGFR Receptor Homo/Heterodimer triggered by ligand, no structure of transmembrane or kinase region as detergent belt is blocking analysis of structures, very relevant drug target              
29 TRPC1 Ion Channel Thought to form a receptor-activated non-selective calcium permeant cation channel. Probably is operated by a phosphatidylinositol 2nd messenger system activated by receptor tyrosine kinases or GPCRs.              


For futher inquiries, we are happy to help.